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Heavy Seas

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We have a pretty clear sense of purpose, make beers that taste exactly the way they should. Every time. No frills. No fluff. We weren’t created by Baltimore’s original craft brewer to be thought leaders, or to thump our chests, or to see who we could outdo. We started this revolution for one reason only: to make ridiculously good beer without any of the ridiculousness. No matter how popular craft brewing gets, we believe in the craft of brewing. And to us, making beer that people can drink and actually enjoy is what keeps us cranking. ​ Where we come from, really good beer doesn’t need to be something it’s not. In fact, it never should be. Turns out, really good beer isn’t tricky after all. It boils down to a simple recipe everybody else seems to have forgotten: make it drinkable, make it approachable, execute to the highest possible standards, and have some fun. That’s not just what matters most—it’s the only thing that matters at all.